Turku Bioscience Researchers Shine in 3MT Competition!
We’re excited to share that doctoral researchers from Turku Bioscience Centre made a strong impression in the University of Turku’s Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition! Rahul Birdar earned second place, while Omkar Joshi was chosen to represent the university in the SANORD network’s international 3MT competition. Read more about Rahul’s experience in our blog>>
Pauliina Moilanen won the University of Turku’s Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition and will represent the university in the Coimbra Group’s international contest. The audience’s favourite was Ashwini Jadhav.
Congratulations to all winners!
The winners of the competition: Omkar Joshi (left), Pauliina Moilanen, Rahul Biradar and Ashwini Jadhav.