Group Leader
Alex Dickens, DPhil
Project Leader & Academy Research Fellow, Turku Bioscience Centre
Docent, Department of Life Technologies
alex.dickens [at]
+358 40 0285 575
Contact Information
Turku Bioscience P.O. Box 123, BioCity
(Street addr. Tykistökatu 6 B)
FIN-20521 Turku, Finland
Description of Research
Metabolomics, included is a powerful tool to understand how the underlying biological processes occur in health and disease. They also provide a rich source of potential biomarkers for the diagnostic or progression of the disease. The study of the brain is difficult due to the inability to observe changes in humans directly. Metabolomics has been shown to be a key tool in predicting the outcome of several brain injuries. Our lab develops cutting edge analytic chemistry techniques to measure a wide range of small molecules that are important in brain disease and health. We then use these tools in both human samples and models of the disease to understand the underlying mechanisms behind the observed metabolite changes in order to better understand the disease pathology. The lab consists of a mix of analytical chemistry, biologists and experts in multivariate data processing.