Ad hoc seminar: Dr. Young Hou, BGI, China: “Trans-omics for a better life”

    The global genomics organization and enterprise, BGI (, will visit Turku Bioscience on Monday next week. In conjunction with the visit, they will present the above-mentioned seminar in the Turku Bioscience seminar room on 5th floor. You are very welcome to attend  if you want hear about their vision, strategy, and services. They are here especially to discuss the combination of omics data with high-end imaging data. Apart for Dr. Young Hou, the delegation consists of a number of other representatives of the BGI leadership (see below).

    It should be noticed that there is a possibility for student exchange. They are open for omics-oriented students or researchers who like to visit or work at BGI for shorter or longer periods. Should you want to discuss this kind of opportunities or any other business, please send me a line, as there may be a chance for that kind of discussions during this visit (john.eriksson [at]

    Turku Bioscience – Ad hoc seminar, Monday, September 30, 11:15
    Turku Bioscience seminar room (5th floor, BioCity)