Election of the personnel’s representative to TBC board
The term for Turku Bioscience and BioCity Turku common board is ending this year. One board member is representing TBC people, and it is now time to elect the new member and her/his deputy for the next three-year term, starting 1.1.2023. The election is 13.12.2022 at 08:30, before the December breakfast meeting, and it would be great if we would have many candidates representing different corners of TBC!
Being a board member doesn’t take too much of your time (there are usually 3-4 meetings yearly) but you would be hearing all the upcoming things from the frontline. Take a look at the official call (both FIN and ENG) and sign up as a candidate!
There is no language requirement for Finnish, since board meetings will be held in English if necessary.
If you want to see the list of people who have right to vote and who are eligible as candidates, please ask from Maija Lespinasse (miholm@utu.fi). The list has been sent to TBC personnel via email on 17.11.2022.