Frontiers of Science: How do bacterial populations evolve in reality? Some answers and their applications to vaccine optimization

    Prof. Jukka Corander, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
    How do bacterial populations evolve in reality? Some answers and their applications to vaccine optimization

    Host: Jaana Vuopio (

    Jukka Corander is professor at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway, and an honorary faculty member at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK. He has won two ERC grants, an ERC StG (2009-2014) from the mathematics and statistics panel and an ERC AdG (2017-2022) from the infection and immunity panel. Jukka’s main research interests are microbial evolution and transmission modeling, statistical machine learning, population genomics and inference algorithms. The statistical methods introduced by his research group have led to numerous discoveries on the evolution, resistance, virulence and transmission of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.