Frontiers of Science: Prof. Ruud van Ommen

    May 12th at 12:00
    on-site event
    Presidentti auditorium, BioCity
    Spring 2022 poster

    Prof. Ruud van Ommen, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
    Atomic layer deposition on particles: towards ton-scale production with nano-precision
    host: Henrik Grénman (

    Coffee and sandwich served at 11:45


    Six students and early-career postdocs are welcome to have a lunch in restaurant Mauno and discuss with Prof. van Ommen after the seminar. This is a great possibility to learn hosting skills in friendly environment and create connections for future. Every student are welcome to join, in spite of which research group they belong to. BioCity Turku will offer the lunch.

    If you got interested please send an email to


    Ruud van Ommen (PhD 2001, currently full professor) is a chemical engineer by training. He has a broad expertise in multiphase reactors and particle technology. In the past decade, he expanded his research to the scalable production of advanced, nanostructured materials. In 2011, he started an ambitious program (funded by an ERC Starting Grant) to investigate the interplay between agglomeration and coating of nanoparticles in the gas phase. This fundamental work is has led to practical applications, e.g. for energy conversion and storage, and for pharmaceuticals production. The second part of his research efforts are embedded in TU Delft’s e-Refinery institute. The efforts of van Ommen’s are mostly aimed at developing scalable reactor configurations for e.g. CO2 reduction, an production of the required materials.

    Ruud van Ommen is a full professor in the Chemical Engineering department, and section leader of the Product & Process Engineering section in that department.  Moreover, he is director of the TU Delft Process Technology Institute (DPTI). He obtained both his MSc degree in Chemical Engineering at Delft University of Technology in 1996, and in 2001 a PhD degree at the same university. He has been visiting professor at Chalmers University (Gothenburg, Sweden) and the University of Colorado (Boulder, USA). He is co-founder of Delft IMP, a spin-off company from his group.


    Selected publications

    D La Zara, F Zhang, F Sun, MR Bailey, MJ Quayle, G Petersson, … . 2021. Drug powders with tunable wettability by atomic and molecular layer deposition: From highly hydrophilic to superhydrophobic. Applied Materials Today 22, 100945

    Hashemi FSM , Grillo F , Ravikumar VR , Benz D , Shekhar A , Griffiths MBE , Barry ST , van Ommen JR Thermal atomic layer deposition of gold nanoparticles: controlled growth and size selection for photocatalysis. Nanoscale. 2020 Apr 30;12(16):9005-9013.

    J Guo, D Benz, TTD Nguyen, PH Nguyen, TLT Le, HH Nguyen, D La Zara, … 2020. Tuning the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanoparticles by ultrathin SiO2 films grown by low-temperature atmospheric pressure atomic layer deposition. Applied Surface Science 530, 147244

    I Mema, EC Wagner, JR van Ommen, JT Padding. 2020. Fluidization of spherical versus elongated particles-experimental investigation using X-ray tomography. Chemical Engineering Journal 397, 125203

    N Navarrete, D La Zara, A Goulas, D Valdesueiro, L Hernández, … . 2020. Improved thermal energy storage of nanoencapsulated phase change materials by atomic layer deposition. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 206, 110322

    FSM Hashemi, F Grillo, VR Ravikumar, D Benz, A Shekhar, MBE Griffiths, … 2020. Thermal atomic layer deposition of gold nanoparticles: controlled growth and size selection for photocatalysis. Nanoscale 12 (16), 9005-9013


    General information

    • Registration is not needed for on-site seminars
    • Participation list is circulated in the audience
    • If you are a student and later wish to get a certificate of attendance from the Frontier of Science seminars, please print out this seminar diary and after the seminar ask the BIoCIty coordinator to sign it
    • Depending on Covid-situation all on-site FoS-seminars might have to be flipped to fully virtual even on short notice
    • Please note that any audio or video recording of the seminars is strictly forbidden.