Lab Members
Group Leader
Klaus Elenius, MD, PhD
Professor of Medical Biochemistry,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku
MediCity Research Laboratories and Turku Center for Biotechnology
University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University
Cancer Research Laboratories, FICAN West
Email: klaus.elenius [at]
Contact Information
Turku Bioscience P.O. Box 123, BioCity
Street addr. Tykistökatu 6 B, 4th floor
FIN-20521 Turku, Finland
Tel. +358 (0)29 450 4393
Senior Researchers
Postdoctoral Researchers
Farid Ahmad Siddiqui
Postdoctoral Researcher
Elenius Lab, office 5130 +358 (0)29 450 3779 / 3779 farid.siddiqui [at] utu.fiBackground
- Doctoral student at Turku Center for Biotechnology since February 2016
- MSc in Biotechnology form Punjab Technical University and master thesis form School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 2011