Lab Members

    Group Leader

    Eleanor Coffey
    Research Director (Forskningschef) at Åbo Akademi University
    Vice Director Turku Bioscience
    eleanor.coffey [at]

    Contact Information

    Turku Bioscience
    P.O. Box 123, BioCity
    (Street adr. Tykistökatu 6 B)
    FIN-20521 Turku, Finland
    +358-2-333 8605 (Eleanor Coffey)+358-2-251 8808 (Fax Attn. Eleanor Coffey)

    Senior/Postdoctoral Scientists

    Prasannakumar Deshpande

    Senior Researcher

    Coffey Lab prasannakumar.deshpande [at]

    Veronica Fagerholm


    Coffey Lab, office 5045 +358 (0)29 450 3784 veronica.fagerholm [at]


    I am searching for driver genes that act downstream of JNK1 to promote mood disorders.

    Dani Flinkman

    Proteomics Expert

    Coffey Lab, office 5045 +358 (0)29 450 3784

    Ye Hong

    Senior Datascientist

    Coffey & Elo Lab, office 7089 +358 (0)29 450 3805

    Project in the Kinase group

    I am using bioinformatics to predict molecular mechanisms of depression and schizophrenia using proteomics and behavioral data.

    Peter James

    Visiting Professor, University of Lund

    Proteomics peter.james [at]

    Doctoral Researchers

    Soroush Abyari

    Project Researcher, Neuroscience

    Coffey Lab, office 5045 soroush.s.abyari [at]

    Jismi John

    Doctoral Researcher, Neuroscience

    Coffey Lab, office 5045 +358 (0)29 450 3784 jimajo [at]
    I work with Nikita and together we hope to identify molecular drivers of anxiety and depression. We do this using different types of in vivo and ex vivo imaging methods.

    Anniina Jokela

    Researcher, Neuroscience

    Coffey Lab, office 5045 anniina.a.jokela [at]

    Ali Youssef Mostafa

    Project Researcher

    Coffey Lab aymost [at]

    Christel Sourander

    Doctoral Researcher, Neuroscience

    Coffey Lab, office 5045 +358 (0)29 450 3784 christel.c.sourander [at]
    In my PhD project, I am studying how loss of cellular homeostasis may lead to behavioral changes at the level of the whole organism.

    Master Students

    Adetunji Adedeji

    Undergraduate Student

    Coffey Lab

    Faridun Mamadbekov

    Master Student

    Alex Montoya

    Master Student

    Coffey Lab

    Mudhita Shakya

    Master Student

    Technical Personnel

    Susanna Pyökäri

    Laboratory Technician

    Coffey Lab, office 5080 +358 (0)29 450 3758 / 3771 susanna.pyokari [at]