Publications and preprints

    Expanding the molecular and clinical phenotype of patients with de novo variants in KIF5C: A 6 patient case series. Sara Gracie*, Prasannakumar Deshpande*, Patrik Hollos, Karl De Dios, Donna M. Martin, Amanda B. Pritchard, Jessica A Scott Schwoerer, Meghan R. Behrmann, Laurie H. Seaver, Kathleen Brown, Raymond J. Fernandez, Austin Larson, Eleanor Coffey. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 2024 in press

    Jnk1 and downstream signalling hubs regulate anxiety-like behaviours in a zebrafish larvae phenotypic screen. Hong Y, Sourander C, Hackl B, Patton JS, John J, Paatero I, Coffey E. Sci Rep. 2024 May 15;14(1):11174. Pubmed.

    HSV-1 and Cellular miRNAs in CSF-Derived Exosomes as Diagnostically Relevant Biomarkers for Neuroinflammation. Scheiber C, Klein HC, Schneider JM, Schulz T, Bechter K, Tumani H, Kapapa T, Flinkman D, Coffey E, Ross D, Čistjakovs M, Nora-Krūkle Z, Bortolotti D, Rizzo R, Murovska M, Schneider EM. Cells. 2024 Jul 17;13(14):1208. Pubmed.

    Regulators of proteostasis are translationally repressed in fibroblasts from sporadic and LRRK2-G2019S Parkinson’s patients. Flinkman D, Hong Y, Deshpande P, Peltonen S, Kaasinen V, James P, Coffey E. NPJ Parkinsons Disease 2023 9(1):20. Pubmed.

    Long-term osteogenic differentiation of human bone marrow stromal cells in simulated microgravity: novel proteins sighted. Montagna G, Pani G, Flinkman D, Cristofaro F, Pascucci B, Massimino L, Lamparelli LA, Fassina L, James P, Coffey E, Rea G, Visai L, Rizzo AM. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 2022 79(10):536. Pubmed.

    PhosPIR: an automated phosphoproteomic pipeline in R. Hong Y, Flinkman D, Suomi T, Pietilä S, James P, Coffey E*, Elo LL. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2022 23(1):bbab510. Pubmed. Erratum in: Brief Bioinform. 2022 23(3): PMID: Pubmed.

    Loss of Rab8a in B cells leads to increased antibody responses and class-switch recombination. Hernández-Pérez S, Sarapulov AV, Balci MÖ, Coffey E, Harada A, Mattila PK. BioRxiv 2022.

    SHANK3 conformation regulates actin binding and crosstalk with Rap1 signalling. Salomaa SI, Miihkinen M, Kremneva E, Paatero I, Lilja J, Jacquemet G, Vuorio J, Antenucci L, Kogan K, Hassani Nia F, Hollos P, Isomursu A, Vattulainen I, Coffey ET, Kreienkamp HJ, Lappalainen P, Ivaska J. Current Biology 2021 31(22):4956-4970. Pubmed.

    Protein synthesis is suppressed in sporadic and familial Parkinson’s disease by LRRK2. Deshpande P, Flinkman D, Hong Y, Goltseva E, Siino V, Sun L, Peltonen S, Elo LL, Kaasinen V, James P, Coffey ET. The FASEB Journal. 2020 34(11):14217-14233. Pubmed.

    Impact of JNK and its substrates on dendritic spine morphology. Emilia Komulainen, Artemis Varidaki, Natalia Kulesskaya, Hasan Mohammad, Christel Sourander, Heikki Rauvala, Eleanor T Coffey. Cells 2020 9(2):440. Pubmed.

    Optogenetic control of spine-head JNK reveals a role in dendritic spine regression. Hollos P, John JM, Lehtonen, J, Coffey E. eNeuro 2020 7(1). Pubmed

    L-alpha-amino adipic acid provokes depression-like behaviour and a stress related increase in dendritic spine density in the pre-limbic cortex and hippocampus in rodents. David J, Gormley S, McIntosh AL, Kebede V, Thuery G, Varidaki A, Coffey ET, Harkin A.  Behavioral Brain Research 2019 362:90-102. Pubmed.

    JNK Regulation of Depression and Anxiety. Hollos P, Marchisella F, Coffey ET. Brain Plasticity 2018 3(2): 1-11 2018. Review. Pubmed.

    Repositioning Microtubule Stabilizing Drugs for Brain Disorders. Varidaki A, Hong Y, Coffey ET. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 2018 12:226. Pubmed.

    JNK1 controls adult hippocampal neurogenesis and imposes cell autonomous control of anxiety behaviour from the neurogenic niche. Mohammad H, Marchisella, F, Ortega-Martinez S, Hollos P, Eerola K, Komulainen E, Kulesskaya N, Freemantle E, Fagerholm V, Savbontaus E, Rauvala H, Peterson BD, van Praag H, Coffey ET. Molecular Psychiatry 2018 23(2):487. Pubmed.

    Synthesis of azide-modified chondroitin sulfate precursors: Substrates for “Click”- conjugation with fluorescent labels and oligonucleotides. Jadhav S, Gulumkar V, Deshpande P, Coffey ET, Lönnberg H, Virta P. Bioconjugate Chemistry 2018 29(7):2382-2393. Pubmed.

    Microtubule and microtubule associated protein anomalies in psychiatric disorders. Marchisella, F., Coffey, E.T. , Hollos, P. Cytoskeleton 2016 73(10):596-611. Review. Pubmed.

    KIF5C S176 phosphorylation regulates microtubule binding and transport efficiency in neurons. Padzik A, Deshpande P, Hollos P, Franker M, Rannikko E, Cai D, Prus P, Mågard M, Westerlund N, Verhey K, James P, Hoogenraad C, Coffey ET. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 2016 10:57. Pubmed.

    Molecular Mechanisms of Depression. Varidaki, A, Mohammad, H, Coffey, ET. Systems Neuroscience in Depression. Elsevier Edited by Frodl, T. 2016. Download.

    JNK1 controls dendritic field size in L2/3 and L5 of the motor cortex, constrains soma size and influences fine motor coordination. Komulainen, E, Zdrojewska, J, Freemantle, E, Mohammad, H, Marchisella, F, Kulesskaya, N, Mysore, R, Deshpande, P, Michelson, K, Måberg, M, Rauvala, H, James, P, Coffey, E. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 2014 8:272. Pubmed.

    Nuclear and cytosolic JNK signalling in neurons. Coffey E.T.  Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2014 15(5):285-99. Review. Pubmed.

    JNK Phosphorylation of MARCKSL1 Determines Actin Stability and Migration in Neurons and in Cancer Cells. Björkblom B*, Padzik A*, Mohammad H, Westerlund N, Komulainen E, Hollos P, Parviainen L, Papageorgiou AC, Iljin K, Kallioniemi O, Kallajoki M, Courtney MJ, Mågård M, James P, Coffey ET. Molecular and Cellular Biology 2012 32(17):3513-26. Pubmed.

    Phosphorylation of SCG10/stathmin-2 determines multipolar stage exit and neuronal migration rate. Westerlund N, Zdrojewska J, Padzik A, Komulainen E, Björkblom B, Rannikko E, Tararuk T, Garcia-Frigola C, Sandholm J, Nguyen L, Kallunki T, Courtney MJ, Coffey ET. Nature Neuroscience 2011 14(3):305-13. Pubmed.

    The vibrio parahaemolyticus Type III secretion systems manipulate host cell MAPK for critical steps in pathogenesis. Matlawska-Wasowska K, Finn R, Mustel A, O’Byrne CP, Baird AW, Coffey ET, Boyd A. BMC Microbiology 2010 10:329. Pubmed.

    Microtubule stabilization by BMP receptor-mediated scaffolding of JNK promotes dendrite formation. Podkowa M, Zhao X, Chow CW, Coffey ET, Davis RJ, Attisano L. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 2010 30(9):2241-50. Pubmed.

    Pathogenic huntingtin inhibits fast axonal transport by activating JNK3 and phosphorylating kinesin. Morfini GA, You YM, Pollema SL, Kaminska A, Liu K, Yoshioka K, Björkblom B, Coffey ET, Bagnato C, Han D, Huang CF, Banker G, Pigino G, Brady ST. Nature Neuroscience 2009 12(7):864-71. Pubmed.

    Concurrent protective and destructive signalling of JNK2 in neuroblastoma cells. Waetzig, V, Wacker, U, Haeusgen, Björkblom,B, Courtney, M.J., Coffey, E.T. Herdegen, T. Cellular Signalling 2009 6:873-880. Pubmed.

    Loss of function of IKAP/ELP1: Could neuronal migration defect underlie familial disautonomia? Naumanen, T., Johansen, L.D., Coffey, E.T., Kallunki, T. Cell Adhesion and Migration 2008 2(4):236-239. Pubmed.

    All JNKs can kill but nuclear localization is critical for neuronal death. Benny Björkblom, Jenni C. Vainio, Vesa Hongisto, Thomas Herdegen, Michael Courtney, Eleanor Coffey. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2008 283(28):19704-13. Pubmed.

    The Wnt pool of GSK-3-beta is critical for trophic deprivation induced neuronal death. Hongisto, V., Vainio, J.C., Thompson, R., Courtney, M.J., Coffey, E.T.  Molecular and Cellular Biology 2008 28(5)1515-27. Pubmed.

    IKAP localizes to membrane ruffles with filamin A and regulates actin cytoskeleton organization and cell migration. Dan Johansen, L.,  Naumanen, T., Knudsen, A., Westerlund, N., Gromova, I., Junttila, M., Nielsen, C., Bottzauw, T., Tolkovsky, A., Westermarck, J., Coffey, E.T., Jäättelä, M., Kallunki, T. Journal of Cell Science 2008 121(6):854-64. Pubmed.

    Superior cervical ganglion-10 as a molecular effector of JNK1: Implications for the therapeutic targeting of JNK in nerve regeneration. Westerlund, N., Zdrojewska, J., Courtney, M.J., Coffey, E.T. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets 2008 12(1):31-43. Review. Pubmed.

    Rho mediates calcium-dependent activation of p38alpha and subsequent excitotoxic cell death. Semenova, M.M., Mäki-Hokkonen, A.M.J., Cao, J., Komarovski, V., Forsberg, M., Koistinaho, M., Coffey, E.T., Courtney, M.J. Nature Neuroscience 2007 10(4):436-443. Pubmed.

    JNK1 phosphorylation of SCG10 determines microtubule dynamics and axodendritic length. Tararuk, R., Östman, N., Li, W., Björkblom, B., Padzik, A., Zdrojewska, J., Hongisto, V., Herdegen, T., Konopka, W., Courtney, M.J., Coffey, E.T. Journal of Cell Biology 2006 173(2):265-77. Pubmed.

    Constitutively active cytoplasmic JNK1 is a dominant regulator of dendritic architecture; role of MAP2 as an effector. Björkblom, B., Östman, N., Hongisto, V., Komarovski, V., Filen, J., Nyman, T., Kallunki, T., Courtney, M., Coffey, E. Journal of Neuroscience 2005 25(27):6350-6361. Pubmed.

    PSPN/GFRalpha4 has a significantly weaker capacity than GDNF/GFRalpha1 to recruit RET to rafts, but promotes neuronal survival and neurite outgrowth. Yang J, Lindahl M, Lindholm P, Virtanen H, Coffey E, Runeberg-Roos P, Saarma M. FEBS Lett. 2004 569:267-271. Pubmed.

    Distinct requirements for p38alpha and c-Jun N-terminal kinase stress-activated protein kinase s in different forms of apoptotic neuronal death. Cao J, Semenova MM, Solovyan VT, Han J, Coffey ET, Courtney MJ. (2004)  Journal of Biological Chemistry 2004 279:35903-35913. Pubmed.

    Lithium blocks the c-Jun stress response and protects neurons via its action on glycogen synthase kinase 3. Hongisto V, Smeds N, Brecht S, Herdegen T, Courtney MJ, Coffey ET. Molecular Cell Biology 2003 23:6027-6036. Pubmed.

    c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK) 2/3 is specifically activated by stress, mediating c-Jun activation, in the presence of constitutive JNK1 activity in cerebellar neurons. Coffey E.T., Smiciene G., Hongisto V., Cao J., Brecht S., Herdegen T., Courtney M.J. Journal of  Neuroscience 2002 22:4335-4345. Pubmed.

    Activation of the MKK4-JNK pathway during erythroid differentiation of K562 cells is inhibited by the heat shock factor 2-beta isoform. Hietakangas V, Elo I, Rosenstrom H, Coffey ET, Kyriakis JM, Eriksson JE, Sistonen L. (2001) Activation of the MKK4-JNK pathway during erythroid differentiation of K562 cells is inhibited by the heat shock factor 2-beta isoform. FEBS Lett 2001 505:168-172. Pubmed.

    Dual roles for c-Jun N-terminal kinase in developmental and stress responses in cerebellar granule neurons. Coffey, E.T., Hongisto, V., Dickens, M., Davis, R.J. and Courtney, M.J. Journal of Neuroscience 2000 20(20):7602–7613. Pubmed.

    The mechanisms of ARA-C induced apoptosis of differentiating cerebellar granule neurons. Courtney, M.J. and Coffey, E.T. European Journal of Neuroscience 1999 11(3):1073-1084. Pubmed.

    Neurotrophins protect cultured cerebellar granule cells against the early phase of cell death by a two-component mechanism. Courtney, M.J., Åkerman, K.E.O. and Coffey, E.T.  Journal of Neuroscience 1997 17(11):4201-4211. Pubmed.

    Brain derived neurotrophic factor induces a rapid upregulation of synaptophysin and tau proteins via the neurotrophin receptor TrkB in rat cerebellar granule cells. Coffey ET, Akerman KE, Courtney MJ.  Neuroscience Letters 1997 227(3):177-180. Pubmed.