
    The Turku Proteomics Facility provides mass spectrometry -based proteomics analyses by advanced instrumentation for life science and medicine research.

    Our facility is part of the Biocenter Finland Proteomics platform

    For protein production and biophysical protein characterization services, please contact Turku Protein Core (tuprotcore [at]

    Our areas of expertise are:

    • Quantitative shotgun proteomics (DDA, DIA, TMT)
    • Detection of post-translational modifications
    • Protein interaction analysis (XL-MS, AP-MS, BioID)
    • Single-cell proteomics (SCoPE2)
    • Intact protein analysis
    • Targeted proteomics (SRM, PRM, SureQuant)
    • Consultation and training
    • Access to instruments and software
    DALL-E – photorealistic painting of proteins exchanging high fives