Sample submission

    1. Contact Us

    Contact us first for consultation, at proteomics (at), to ensure that we can fulfill your needs.

    2. Sample Submission

    When you have your samples ready for proteomic analysis, please fill the sample submission form thoroughly. Once that is completed send your form to proteomics (at) and deliver your samples to address:

    University of Turku
    Turku Bioscience
    Turku Proteomics Facility
    Tykistökatu 6A 5.krs
    20520 Turku

    Protocols for sample preparation are available here.

    3. Service Features

    Mass spectrometry analyses are usually conducted by our staff as a full service. In the case of frequent usage needs and/ or large-scale projects, researchers can also have an access for instruments after a training session. New facility users need to accept the User Policy for Independent Users and to have basic knowledge of proteomics before using the instruments.

    4. Submit your Publication

    Please acknowledge the services of the Proteomics Facility used in support of your research publications, using for example the phrase “Mass spectrometry analysis was performed at the Turku Proteomics Facility, University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University. The facility is supported by Biocenter Finland.”
    Please also notify us of any publication citing or acknowledging the services of the Proteomics Facility. This way you help ensuring that we will be able to provide high quality services with competitive prices also in the future.

    Please use the submission form to send us your publications.

    Thank you!