Getting started
Virus vectors
Project information
Please contact us to start a project in the Genome Editing Core. In our facility, we use the OpenIris system. You can fill the Genome Editing Core project request form via this online management software, and we will discuss your project.
Conducting a project
To get access to the BSL2 laboratory core personnel introduces you to the working practices of the biosafety lab. Working stations can be booked via the OpenIris system. Please submit service requests also in the OpenIris system.
Customer feedback
Your feedback is important to us as we are improving and expanding our services. Please fill in the feedback form.
CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing
Sample information
Please, contact Genome Editing Core to first have a consultation session on your project. You will be given the required paperwork during this session. Required information includes:
- Contact persons for the project
- Cell lines in question and what modifications they are to go through
- Any expected consequences of the genetic modification to cell viability or phenotype
- Any expected consequences of the genetic modification to the biosafety level of the edited cells
- Preferred analysis method to confirm the success of genetic modification (performed by customer)
- Detailed culture protocols for cells of interest
- Information about methods previously successfully used in previous papers
Conducting the project
Genome Editing Core staff will perform the following parts of your project:
- Design gRNA and repair template (knock-in) sequences
- Perform Cas9 RNP nucleofection to cells of interest in order to introduce gene edit
- Analyze the efficiency of the gene editing at DNA and protein level in bulk cell population
We expect the customer to:
- Supply us with culture medium and supplements required for cell culture (of other than vector producer cells)
- Perform the analysis (often by Western blot or qRT PCR), though core staff will perform the lysis
Customer feedback
Your feedback is important to us as we are improving and expanding our services. Please fill in the feedback form.
Submit your publication
Keeping track of how we have enabled your imagination helps us expand our services in the right direction. Please fill in the form to have your study displayed on pages.
The Genome Editing Core has wide experience in working with lentiviruses, retroviruses, and adeno-associated viruses. Additionally, our expertise includes CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing with non-viral methods. We provide training on viral production or CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing methods as a service to our customers.