Contact Us

    To get a fast response please contact us using the below common emails.

    Emailing staff directly may lead to slower response times.


    Email: microscopy [at]
    Phone: +358 (0)50 369 7532

    Flow cytometry

    Email: cytometry [at]
    Phone: +358 (0)50 365 1598

    Mass cytometry

    Email: cytometry [at]
    Phone: +358 (0)50 365 1598

    Head of Microscopy

    Eleanor Coffey

    Vice-Director, Group Leader, Research Director

    Office 7079 +358 (0)40 182 2424

    Microscopy Personnel

    Anna-Mari Haapanen-Saaristo

    Project Researcher

    Zebrafish, office 4138
    Consultation, operations, maintenance: Microscopy

    Jari Korhonen

    +358 (0)2 215 4062 ; BioCity 2nd floor, room 2066 jari.korhonen [at]

    Activities in the core

    Maintenance and training: microscopes located on the 2nd floor

    Christoffer Lagerholm

    Lab Engineer

    Cell Imaging Core christoffer.lagerholm [at]

    Activities in the core

    Consultation, operations, maintenance: Microscopy

    Kaisa Rautaniemi

    Project engineer

    Cell Imaging & Cytometry, office 5077 kaisa.rautaniemi [at]

    Activities in the core

    Consultation, operations, maintenance: Microscopy    

    Jouko Sandholm

    Research Coordinator

    Cell Imaging & Cytometry, office 5077

    Activities in the core

    Consultation, operations, maintenance: Microscopy and backup for Flow Cytometry and Mass Cytometry

    Scientific Advisor for Microscopy

    Michael Courtney

    Group Leader

    +358 (0)29 450 3739 michael.courtney [at]

    Activities in the cell imaging core

    CIC consultant on high content imaging

    Head of Cytometry

    Pia Rantakari

    Adjunct Professor and Group Leader

    Rantakari Lab +358 (0)400 426 791

    Activities in the core

    Scientific adviser for Mass- and Imaging Mass Cytometry

    Cytometry Personnel

    Ketlin Adel

    Project Engineer

    Cell Imaging & Cytometry, office 5135

    Activities in the core

    Consultation, operations, training & maintenance: Flow Cytometry and Mass Cytometry

    Christina Oetken-Lindholm

    Project Engineer

    Cell Imaging & Cytometry, office 5135 christina.oetken-lindholm [at]

    Activities in the core

    Consultation, operations, training & maintenance: Flow Cytometry and back up for Mass Cytometry

    Scientific Advisor for Mass Cytometry and Imaging Mass Cytometry

    Heli Jokela

    Senior Researcher

    Rantakari Lab, office 5041a