
    Non-academic users€/h + VAT
    Basic training, consultation and contract preparation. 

    Where specialized expertise is needed, the price will be set on a case by case basis

    Academic national users€/h (VAT 0%)
    Training35 (+Instrument fee for Cytometers)
    Full service (service fee added to the instrument time)35
    InstrumentPrice €/h for academic national users (VAT 0%)
    Widefield microscopes 
    Nikon Eclipse TI-E7      (19.00-08.00: 3€/h)
    Leica Thunder7      (19.00-08.00: 3€/h)
    EVOS fl cell culture microscope0
    Leica RXA (upright microscope)2
    Leica DM IRBE (inverted microscope)2
    Zeiss AxioZOOM.V16 stereo microscope3
    Confocal microscopes 
    Abberior STED15
    Zeiss LSM880 AiryScan20     (19.00-08.00: 10€/h)
    3i CSU-W1 spinning disk15     (19.00-08.00: 6€/h)
    Zeiss LSM510 JPK AFM9
    Leica Stellaris 8 Falcon FLIM25     (19.00-08.00: 12.50€/h)
    Leica TCS SP55
    Other microscopes 
    MSquared Aurora Airy Light Sheet15
    ONI Nanoimager15
    Deltavision OMX imaging system15    (19.00-08.00: 4€/h)
    Lambert FLIM8
    Zeiss TIRF microscope (with lasers)10    (19.00-08.00: 2,5€/h)
    Zeiss TIRF microscope (no lasers)5      (19.00-08.00: 2€/h)
    Zeiss P.A.L.M. laser-capture microdissection5
    Olympus BX602
    IncuCyte S3 high content system2
    Flow cytometers 
    BD LSR Fortessa “Jazz”25
    BD LSR Fortessa “Blues”25
    BD Symphony A330
    Sony SH800 cell sorter75
    BD Discover S875
    Mass cytometers 
    Fluidigm Helios CyTOF70 (+35€/h operator fee)
    Fluidigm Hyperion imaging mass cytometer70 (+35€/h operator fee)
    Gel analysis and plate readers 
    BioRad ChemiDoc MP gel analyzer 10
    BioRad ChemiDoc MP gel analyzer 20
    BioTek Synergy H1 multi-mode reader0
    Azure Sapphire RGBNIR biomolecular imager0