Turku Bioscience Centre

The Centre was established in 1992 to facilitate research infrastructure services and scientific interactions across departments and within the two universities. This concept has proved to be highly efficient especially in optimizing the coordinated acquisition of cutting-edge instruments and providing technology services by open access principles. The Centre offers services to both academic and commercially-oriented research projects.

Riitta Lahesmaa, Director of Turku Bioscience

Today, we have three major functions:

  • to offer technology and research services
  • to provide advanced training and education in technologies that relate to our core facilities
  • to host leading basic research that relates to our key technology and infrastructure areas

Our aim is to provide complete packages of service expertise and know-how to provide both academic and corporate research groups the tools and means to shorten the runway from an initial discovery to the take-off of a success story. To this end, we aim to stay at the frontiers of new technologies and research and we are also actively facilitating interactions and joint projects between academia and industry.

We very much welcome you to contact or visit the Centre if you have a research problem or if you want to access specific technologies or infrastructure services. We are always open to new ideas and are excited to discuss research projects or new technologies that you think would be important for the community. Stay tuned and stay in touch! We have the means to help you in your research and together we may be able to take your ideas to completely new horizons.

If you are interested in our history feel free to download and read our yearbooks.

The Management of the Centre

The most important decisions of the centre are made by the director of Turku Bioscience together with Executive Board otherwise known as the BioCity Turku Board. Members of this board are nominated for a three year term by the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University. The board holds meetings three to four times a year. The meeting memos can be found here (from 2015 in Finnish, but also in English from 3_2020 onward).

Turku Bioscience Centre and BioCity Turku have a common Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). Members of the SAB represent the fields of biotechnology and drug discovery.

Turku Bioscience Organisation Chart