CompLifeSci Guest Seminar: Decoding cellular linguistics: A window into the architecture of cell type specific signaling

    Dr. Lauri Louhivuori, Dept of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
    Decoding cellular linguistics: A window into the architecture of cell type specific signaling

    Host: Michael Courtney

    Coffee at 13:45

    Lauri Louhivuori studied Cell and Molecular Biology at the University of Jyväskylä (Finland), and completed his PhD, in Physiology, from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Helsinki (Finland) in 2015. He then moved as a postdoc to the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, where he is currently residing. Lauri’s key research interests are driven by a fundamental question: how is it that a relatively small core set of signaling pathways are able to mediate such a diverse array of complex cellular decisions.


    Selected references
    Neurotransmitters and Endothelins Acting on Radial Glial G-protein Coupled Receptors Are, via Proteolytic NRG/ErbB4 Activation, Able to Modify the Migratory Behavior of Neocortical Cells and Mediate Bipolar-to-Multipolar Transition. Stem Cells Dev. (2020) doi:10.1089/scd.2019.0133 Louhivuori LM, Turunen PM, Louhivuori V, Rayyes IA, Nordström T, Åkerman KE.

    The T-type Ca2+ Channel Cav3.2 Regulates Differentiation of Neural Progenitor Cells during Cortical Development via Caspase-3. Neuroscience. (2019) Mar 15;402:78-89. Rebellato P, Kaczynska D, Kanatani S, Rayyes IA, Zhang S, Villaescusa C, Falk A, Arenas E, Hermanson O, Louhivuori L‡, Uhlén P‡.

    Altered interplay between endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria in Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2A neuropathy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2019) Feb 5;116(6):2328-2337. Bernard-Marissal N, van Hameren G, Juneja M, Pellegrino C, Louhivuori L, Bartesaghi L, Rochat C, El Mansour O, Médard JJ, Croisier M, Maclachlan C, Poirot O, Uhlén P, Timmerman V, Tricaud N, Schneider BL, Chrast R.

    Predicting a tumour’s drug uptake. Nature Biomedical Engineering (2018) 2, 717–718 Louhivuori L, Kanatani S, Uhlén P

    Whole-tissue biopsy phenotyping of three-dimensional tumours reveals cancer heterogeneity Nature Biomedical Engineering (2017) 1, pages796–806 Tanaka N, Kanatani S, Tomer R, Sahlgren C, Kronqvist P, Kaczynska D, Louhivuori L, Kis L, Lindh C, Stepulak A, Corvigno A, Hartman J, Micke P, Mezheyeuski A, Strell C, Carlson J, Moro C, Dahlstrand H, Östman A, Wiklund P, Oya M, Miyakawa A, Deisseroth K, and Uhlén P.

    Mapping genes for calcium signaling and their associated human genetic disorders.Bioinformatics (2017) Aug 15;33(16):2547-2554 Hörtenhuber M, Toledo EM, Smedler E, Arenas E, Malmersjö S, Louhivuori L, Uhlén P