Immunology Seminar Series: William Agace

    Immunology Seminar Series
    October 4th at 14:00 – 15:00
    Virtual event

    William Agace, Lund University and Danish Technical University:
    “Intestinal dendritic cell diversity and function”

    Host: Riitta Lahesmaa ( )

    Registration latest October 3 at:

    Immunology seminar series is jointly organised by the Finnish Society for Immunology, InFLAMES Flagship and Turku Bioscience. For further information contact Anne Lahdenperä ( or Riitta Lahesmaa (, University of Turku.


    William Agace has been working in the field of mucosal immunology for over 25 years. His research activities have focused on the cellular mechanism regulating lymphocyte trafficking to the intestinal mucosa in particular the role of intestinal dendritic cells in this process. One of his current focuses is on the identity, development and function of intestinal dendritic cell subsets in health and disease. A second major focus is to understand the heterogeneity, development and function of intestinal mesenchymal stromal cells in the regulation of site specific immune homeostasis and immune driven pathology. In the last years he has expanded both activities to the study of human intestinal tissues in health and during Inflammatory Bowel Disease. This has resulted in the development of novel techniques to isolate and study distinct immune niches along the length of the human intestine.

    Selected publications:

    Lança, .T, Ungerbäck, J., Da Silva3, C.,  Joeris, T., Ahmadi, F., Vandamme, J., Svensson-Frej, M., McI Mowat, A., Sigvardsson, M, W. W. Agace. Irf8 deficiency induces functional, transcriptional and epigenetic reprogramming of cDC1 into the cDC2 lineage. Immunity. 55:1431-1447.e11, 2022.

    Jørgensen, P. B., Fenton, T. M., Mörbe, U. M., Riis, L. B., Jakobsen, H. L., Nielsen, O.H., Agace, W. W. Identification, Isolation and Analysis of Human Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissues.  Nature Protocols. 16:2051-2067, 2021.

    Joeris, T., Gomez-Casado, C., Holmkvist, P., Tavernier, S., Silva-Sanchez, A., L. Klotz, L., Randall, T. D, McI Mowat,, A.,  Kotarsky, K., Malissen, B., Agace, W. W. Intestinal cDC1 drive cross-tolerance to epithelial-derived antigen via induction of FoxP3+CD8+ Tregs. Science Immunology. 6:eabd3774, 2021.

    Fenton, T.M, Jørgensen, P. B., Niss, K., Rubin, S.J.S., Mörbe, U.M., Riis, L.B., da Silva, C., Vandamme, J., Jakobsen, H.J, Brunak,. S., Habtezion, A., Nielsen, O.H., Johansson-Lindbom, B., Agace. W.W. Immune profiling of human gut-associated lymphoid tissue identifies a role for isolated lymphoid follicles in the priming of region-specific immunity. Immunity. 52:557-570, 2020.

    Luda, K. M., Joeris, T., Persson, E., Rivollier, A., Demiri, M., Sitnik, K., Pool, L., Holm, J. B., Melo-Gonzalez, M., Richter, L., Lambrecht, B., Kristiansen, K., Travis, M., Svensson-Frej, M., Kotarsky, K., Agace, W.W. ­­­­­­­­­­­­IRF8 dependent dendritic cells are essential for intestinal T cell homeostasis. Immunity. 44:860-74, 2016.