CIC: Olympus VS200 Slide Scanner Demo
Welcome to an Olympus VS200 slide scanner demo next week!
We will have an online presentation, and then microscope demo possibilities at CIC premises.
The VS200 is designed for slides and large scan areas but also works on imaging small targets with high resolution. The system has new X-type lenses with low chromatic aberration and includes 40x and 60x Oil immersion objectives (with oil pump system).
Olympus VS200 Slide Scanner presented by Mikko Nokkonen, Olympus Europe
Time: Tuesday, Nov 3, 2020 10:00 AM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 688 7713 2863
Demo sessions (Tue 3rd – Thursday 5th):
Contact the CIC staff, if you want to test the system with your own samples!
microscopy [at]
- Max 2 persons at the time
- Participants must wear a lab coat and mask
- 2hrs per demo
- Normal microscopy slides (26x75mm) and macro slides (50x75mm)
- Dry objectives: 2x,4x,10x,20x, 40x
- Oil objectives 40x Oil, 60x oil
- Filters: DAPI, GFP, CY3
- Capacity: 210 slides tray system