TalkTogether Seminar: How to live a healthy life?

    October 2nd at 13:00
    On-site event
    Alhopuro lecture hall, Medisiina


    Are you interested in well-being?
    What are the steps towards healthy life?
    How to discuss and communicate about health?

    Come and join the interesting discussion at the TalkTogether – Well-being seminar organized by Health, diagnostics and drug development (HDDD) strategic profile together with Health Campus Turku and InFLAMES Flagship.

    Professor Sami Kalaja will tell how motor skill learning is important for well-being, after which leading experts within health and communication will share their insights and knowledge in panel discussions giving the audience a possibility to join to the conversation as well. The event is part of the 80th anniversary celebration week of the Medical Faculty.

    Coffee and tea is served before the event, and after the panels there is networking with snacks and drinks in the lobby.

    The event is in English and everyone interested in the topic is welcome to join!


    How to live a healthy life?

    Monday 2 October 2023 at 13:00-16:00
    Alhopuro auditorium, Medisiina D, Turku
    On-site event only

    13:00   Coffee and cake in Tiedonkolu

    13:30   OPENING WORDS
    Pekka Hänninen, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku

    13:40   KEY-NOTE TALK: Motor skill learning is good for well-being
    Sami Kalaja, Professor of Practice in Sport, University of Jyväskylä

    14:15   PANEL DISCUSSION: How to improve wellbeing?
    Pentti Huovinen, Professor, University of Turku (moderator)
    Sirpa Jalkanen, Academician, InFLAMES Flagship director, University of Turku
    Sami Kalaja, Professor of Practice in Sport, University of Jyväskylä
    Hasse Karlsson, Professor, FinnBrain director, University of Turku

    15:00   PANEL DISCUSSION: Promoting patient’s health through communication
    Katja Joronen, Professor, University of Turku (moderator)
    Saija Inkeroinen, Doctoral Candidate, University of Turku
    Harry Köhler, Research Manager, University of Turku
    Johanna Ruusuvuori, Professor, Tampere University
    Other panelists TBA

    15:45   Closing of the event, after which networking and mingling with snacks and drinks in the lobby


    Final program and registration:





    Event organisers:

    Health, diagnostics and drug development (HDDD) is one of the six strategic research and education profiles of the University of Turku. It focuses on research which creates medical and technological breakthroughs to advance population health. Turku region has a strong expertise cluster in health research where scientific research, public healthcare, and versatile business life meet.

    Health Campus Turku is a significant multidisciplinary knowledge cluster within medicine, social and health care and technology which offers unique opportunities for research, innovation and corporate collaboration.

    The InFLAMES Flagship is a joint organization of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University aiming at being an internationally recognized, top-level, immunological research and development cluster that will be globally attractive both for researchers and business partners. InFLAMES is part of the Academy of Finland’s Flagship Programme.

    The Faculty of Medicine celebrates its 80th anniversary in 2023. Since 1943, the Faculty has been an active health and well-being promoter and a regional influencer. Throughout the year, the Faculty will organise versatile events, to which everyone are warmly welcome.

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