Turku Protein Core is here!
Turku Protein Core is here to boost your protein research!
Turku Protein Core (TuProtCore) is a one-stop-shop open-access core facility that helps internal and external users with their protein-related tasks. It includes vast basic and advanced infrastructure from both Åbo Akademi University and the University of Turku and has capabilities to assist researchers in moving their project from protein expression to biophysical characterization to protein crystallization.
More information is available on our website.
Currently, we are offering access and training to a wide range of instruments in addition to assistance with protein-related questions. We are building up our protein production and characterization services, which will be available later this year, but we are always open to discussing potential projects, so do not hesitate to contact us at tuprotcore@utu.fi!
Save the date!
We are hosting a launch event on 21.3.2023, where we will tell more about ourselves, our future directions and the research our instrumentation enables. More information will follow soon.