Immunology Seminar: Iivo Hetemäki
Immunology Seminar: Iivo Hetemäki
March 4th at 14-15 (Finland time)
Virtual event
Dr. Iivo Hetemäki, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, US: Immune dysregulation in patients with IKZF2 (Helios) deficiency
Register for the Immunology Seminar Series email list to get calendar invitation to the online seminar:
Host: Professor Riitta Lahesmaa ( )
Immunology seminar series is jointly organised by the Finnish Society for Immunology, InFLAMES Flagship and Turku Bioscience. For further information contact Anne Lahdenperä ( ) or Riitta Lahesmaa ( ), University of Turku.
Iivo Hetemäki is a physician-scientist with long interest in lymphocyte biology especially in inborn errors of immunity (IEI). He did his PhD thesis “Regulation of the Germinal Centre Reaction in Inborn Errors of Immunity” under the supervision of Petteri Arstila and Eliisa Kekäläinen in Helsinki University. In his thesis he examined regulation of adaptive immune responses and factors underlying rise of neutralizing anti-interferon antibodies in two inborn error of immunity AIRE deficiency Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathy Candidiasis Ectodermal Dystropyhy (APECED) and IKZF2 (encoding for Helios) loss of function mutation. The report by Hetemäki & al. was first IKZF2 deficiency described in men. For his thesis Hetemäki received the PhD thesis award from Immunology by Finnish Society of Immunology. Currently, Hetemäki is continuing postdoctoral research at the National Institutes of Health under the supervision of Mihalis Lionakis. He has also worked as physician treating patients with IEI.
Selected publications:
Hetemäki I, Kaustio M, Kinnunen M, Heikkilä N…, Kekäläinen E. Loss-of-function mutation in IKZF2 leads to immunodeficiency with dysregulated germinal center reactions and reduction of MAIT cells. Sci Immunol. 2021 26;6(65)
Hetemäki I, Arstila TP, Kekäläinen E. Helios-Illuminating the way for lymphocyte self-control. Immunology. 2024
Hetemäki I, Sarkkinen J, Heikkilä N, & al. Dysregulated germinal centre reaction with expanded T follicular helper cells in APECED lymph nodes. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2023
Hetemäki, I., Laakso, S., Välimaa, H., Kleino, I., Kekäläinen, E., Mäkitie, O., Arstitila, TP. Patients with autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 have an increased susceptibility to severe herpesvirus infections. Clin Immunol. 2021